To build interest leading up to the protest, we invited James Jordan, National Coordinator for Campaign for Labor Rights (CLR) to speak on our campus. During his talk, titled "Why the U.S. Government Sponsors War and Repression in Columbia," James discussed the destructive and dominating nature of Plan Columbia, the U.S.-funded Colombian paramilitaries who terrorize labor unions and human rights activists in Columbia and the inhuman conditions of Colombian prisons such as La Tramacua Penitentiary, which are run under the consultation of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. James' visit was written about in the Crimson White, our campus Student Newspaper.
That weekend we headed to the rally outside the gates of the School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Georgia.
After the rally we met up with students from other national chapters of SDS for a workshop on organizing and working together to fight back against U.S. tactics that exploit and repress people around the world.
SDS Tuscaloosa supports SOA Watch 2009 in their goal of shutting down the SOA under whatever name it may take and to change the U.S. foreign policy in Columbia.
For more info on U.S. involvement in Columbia: